Når du køber et fysisk produkt har du 1 månedes returret fra modtagelses datoen. Du bedes kontakte mig gennem kontakt formularen her og fortæl du gerne vil returnerer produktet. Derefter vil du modtage den adresse som produktet skal sendes tilbage til. I din forsendelse bedes du vedlægge information på hvor du gerne vil have pengene returneret til, eller brug kontakt formularen. Du får pengene senest 24 timer efter jeg har modtaget produktet.
Produktet skal være i samme stand som du modtog det eller bede du sende en reklamation på samme kontakt formular, inden du sender den.
Digitale produkter refunderes ikke
When you purchase a physical product you can return it within a month after you have received it. Please contact me by using the contact form here and let me know you would like to return the product. You will then receive a mail with the address where the items should be send to. In the shipment or on the contact form, please let me know where you want the money send to. I refund you no later than 24 hours after I have received the item.
The item has to be in the same condition as you received it or let me know in the same contact form what is wrong with it before you ship it.
Digital purchases are not refundable